Treatment Delayed Speech With Music As A Therapy
Delayed Speech

Treatment Of Delayed Speech With Music As A Therapy

During their growth period, it is normal for small children to take a certain time in pronouncing any word or pronounce certain syllables incorrectly. These conditions, if persist with the growing age of the child, become a sign of Treatment delayed speech. Speech delay can interfere with the overall growth of the children and can continue all the way to adulthood making it difficult to communicate with others. Whatever may be the reason for hindered speech development, it can be treated with the help of music. Music is one of the best tools that can be used in speech-language therapy to show definite positive results.

Stuttering, Speech & Language Delay

Speech delay is a common language disorder in children where they do not develop communication skills at the rate that they otherwise should. Speech delay may or may not be accompanied by language delay creating problems in children while having even a basic conversation. Other problems can include issues in reading, writing and other learning-related activities.

Stuttering is a condition in which a person may take a little time in expressing themselves and are not as fluent during speaking as normally people are. This is also a speech disorder that affects the ability of a person to speak smoothly. When stuttering does not go away with the age of a person, it becomes an issue. It starts interfering with their normal speech development and most times are a reason for low self-esteem in individuals.

There are many therapies and other options available to treat these conditions so that children can interact with others without difficulty and live their life normally. Many studies and researches have shown that music when used as therapy can be of great use in treating speech and language delay disorder in children. At IIAHP Therapy Center, you can find professionals who can help your children with speech-related disorders by implying music therapy.

Music & Its Role In Speech & Language Development

Music forms a part of learning when we teach kids about nursery rhymes, poems, call and response songs, etc. Many children rhymes and poems are created to teach them how to do daily chores or good moral values. It is so because children respond well to music and singing and also makes it easier for them to retain the knowledge they learn through music. Plus, it’s fun too. But that’s not it for music. Studies have shown that music can also be used as a tool for Speech Development in Children who are struggling with speech and language delay. Continued music therapy sessions can be very effective in the development of speech and are actively used by many parents and experts to accelerate the hindered development.

The main idea behind music as a therapy tool is to use its basic aspects like frequency, volume, intensity and duration. When presented at the right frequency, volume, intensity and duration, music can be of help in the treatment of speech and language delay. There are different ways in which music and songs and their different features can be used in treating speech disorder.

Every speech or language has a certain rhythm to it which cannot be picked up by some children. With the help of music, children can be taught how to pick up on a rhythm. The therapy program can then be further structured to help children pick the rhythm in normal speech.

When children listen to a song, they try to sing along and during the process, they learn how to sequence every word properly. This can help the children in developing auditory sequencing, which is a person’s ability to say words in the right order. They also begin to understand different sounds and identify how each sound and speech is different from others.

Another benefit from listening to lyrics is that children learn how to pay attention. When they try to learn the lyrics they listen closely and remain attentive during the period. This can be made habitual, making the children attentive during a normal conversation.

Other than playing songs, playing a musical instrument has also proven to be effective in the congenital development of children. The children can learn to catch the beat and rhythm of different instruments which further enhances speech and language development.

Repeating similar music can be quite helpful in developing a child’s understanding towards speech and language. Repetition also helps in the proper movement of the mouth and tongue which is crucial for proper speech delivery. A simple catchy tune can be very effective in mouth movement practice.

Get Support From IIAHP Therapy Center

Parents of children with speech and language delay can find guidance and support from the expert therapists present here at IIAHP Therapy Center. For those parents who are uncertain whether their child is suffering from speech disorder or not, they can connect with our healthcare team and see if the child needs early intervention. We provide the extra help and comfort that your child might need to overcome these difficulties. Using songs and instruments as a speech therapy tool and other specific techniques, we treat speech disorder in children. Our healthcare professionals have years of experience and knowledge and have helped many children get their normal speech back. Other than speech and language delay, we also provide Mental Retardation Treatment, Slow Learners Treatment, Autism Treatment, Dyslexia Treatment, Developmental Delay Treatment, Down Syndrome Treatment, Cerebral Palsy Treatment, ADHD Treatment and many others.

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