ADHD Treatment
Most children have such moments when they have extra energy. But how often do you need to tell your child to slow down or stop interrupting. We provide ADHD treatment in India for hyperactive children of age group 2 to 17 years old. Hyperactivity is a sign of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD in children can also happen with other conditions.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is also called attention deficit disorder(ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects teens and children’s and can continue in adulthood. In children’s ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder. Children with ADHD may be overactive and unable to control their impulses. Or they may have trouble in paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life. So children need proper ADHD treatment to overcome this problem.
It is more common in boys than girls. It is usually discovered during the early school years when a child begins to have problems in paying attention to anything.
They are having difficulty in understanding what other people think and feel. This makes them very difficult to express themselves with words or through gestures, facial expressions, and touch. We provide the best Autism treatment to the children of age group 2 to 17 years old. Good news is that, all our children taking treatment from IIAHP are improving significantly. We strive to make every child well like a normal well child, so once he recovers at IIAHP, he can go anywhere and excel like a well normal child.
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Parent Reviews !! Best ADHD Treatment in India
Therapy For ADHD Treatment
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects the ability of a child to pay attention and they find it difficult to sit still for a long period of time. Not only this, ADHD also has negative impacts on child’s relationship with family and other children. Their behavior is not just disruptive but becomes quite challenging for those who have to get engaged in day-to-day activities with them. There are many effective therapies that can help children control such behaviors.
Many ADHD symptoms can be managed with therapy. If started earlier, these therapies can be more effective. It is therefore advised to start the treatment for ADHD child as soon as diagnosis is made.

ADHD Symptoms !! ADHD Treatment Center
Most commonly the ADHD is diagnosed in small children when they go to school and interact with others in a very new environment. Behavior such as anger issues, easy distraction, control issues, inattention, disrupting others, etc. are few common symptoms of ADHD. However, it is important to note that different children may experience these symptoms differently.
The ADHD symptoms in children are divided into three categories:
Inattention Child with ADHD:
- Easily gets distracted
- Does not follow the instructions or does not finish the tasks
- Does not seem to be listening
- Ignores and makes negligent mistakes
- Forgets about daily activities
- There are problems in organizing daily tasks
- Do not like to do things that still need to sit
- Often loses things
- Sees the daytime dream
Hyperactive Child with ADHD:
- Whispers, fits, or bounces on the seating
- Does not sit for long
- There is a problem playing quietly
- Always keep moving, like running or climbing things (in teenagers and adults, it is usually described as restlessness.)
- Does more than talk

Impulsivity Child with ADHD (ADHD Children Treatment ):
- Problem in waiting for a turn
- Interrupts others
If your child shows any of these symptoms then contact us for ADHD treatment in Chandigarh.
Causes Of ADHD !! ADHD treatment in Chandigarh
Many researches have been carried out but there has been no precise cause to suggest why a person suffers from ADHD. Although the exact cause behind this disorder is not known, the following things have been determined to be the reason why someone suffers from ADHD.
- Heredity ADHD runs in families so needs proper ADHD treatment home plan on time.
- Chemical imbalance people with ADHD may have brain chemicals out of balance
- The brain changes. Areas of the brain that control meditation is less active in children with ADHD treatment home plan in India.
- Poor nutrition, infection, smoking, drinking and substance abuse during pregnancy. These things can affect the development of a child’s brain.
- Toxins, such as lead. They can affect a child’s brain development.
- Brain injury or brain disorder Damage to the front part of the brain is called frontal lobe, can cause problems with controlling impulses and emotions.
Effects Of ADHD !! Treatment for ADHD Child
ADHD Disorder causes many negative effects on children, so they need adhd treatment as soon as possible.
- social isolation
- low job performance
- Inability to make a permanent bond with others
- Leaving school
- Teen pregnancy
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Risk-taking behavior increasedepression
- conduct disorder
- Family Disruption and Stress
- crime
- The risk for casual injuries
- substance abuse
- antisocial personality disorder
Helpful Tips for Parents !! ADHD Therapies
Parents often get concerned after learning that their child is suffering from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. Fortunately there are many treatment options available for such children and help for the parents. Many therapists, coaches, support group are there to help parents go through this phase of their lives where they have to be strong for themselves and their children. These are some tips for parents that can help them control their child’s behavior.
Children should be kept away from distractions, especially when they have important work left to do. Use of mobile phones, watching TV, creating noise and every other task that can distract your child easily should not be done in front of them.
Task management should be taught to children as well. By breaking complex tasks into simple, children can be encouraged to perform their daily activity with greater ease.
Maintain discipline but not by scolding your children. It may take some time and patience with them but be sure to never lose your temper with your child as he/ she is troubled and suffering already.
Make proper time table for your child and ensure that they follow it. It will create a habit that will help them gain perspective of things and how and when they should be done.
Create an environment that is positive as things are already quite stressful when it comes to children suffering from ADHD.
A vibrant lifestyle in which nutrition and sleep both are abundant but not excessive is important for children with this disorder. Physical activities are a must too.
Parents who find it overwhelming to take care of ADHD child can get in touch with different therapy centers and support groups that provide ADHD Therapies for children
Why Choose IIAHP Therapy For ADHD Treatment
We provide the best ADHD treatment Results in the whole country and all ADHD children are improving. Foreign therapists visit twice a year for teaching new techniques of ADHD treatment to IIAHP Staff. Senior staff of IIAHP takes training in foreign countries to keep the team update about latest techniques for best results in ADHD Therapies.
IIAHP is a well renowned ADHD treatment center in Chandigarh, India. We take new children for ADHD treatment all year. For all-around development of the child, the advanced intellectual program that includes Reading, Encyclopedia, Maths, etc. is given and a home program also available for distant/foreign parents.
We give the best guidance for diet, nutrition, and supplements.
We also provide Cerebral palsy treatment, and Special needs children treatment, etc.
Why Choose IIAHP For Autism Treatment
IIAHP has the best success rate in the Autism treatment, all across India. All children are improving with our Autism Interventions. We take new children with Autism all year. We employ several international Techniques under one roof. In our IIAHP therapy center, foreign therapists visit twice in a year for teaching new techniques of Autism treatment to our Staff. Senior IIAHP Staff takes training in foreign countries to keep the team updated about latest techniques for the best result with therapies. Our therapy center is fully air-conditioned and 100% the area under CCTV surveillance for the convenience of parents, they are allowed to check the footage whenever they want to check for any doubts in their mind.
We give guidance for nutrition, supplements, and diet. We give homeopathy also for best results. We have also made available home programs for distant/foreign parents.
For all-around development of the Autistic child, we provide the advanced intellectual program that includes Reading, Maths, Encyclopedia, etc.
We also provide Down Syndrome treatment, Cerebral Palsy treatment, etc.